Thursday, February 2, 2012


When I started making these wreaths, the idea of blogging about my adventures in crafting had not occurred to me, so I didn't take pictures of each step as I worked.  But I thought I would post a few pictures of wreaths I made, along with what few in-progress pictures I did snap.  The full tutorial can be found here:  Please note - I do not own a sewing machine (yet) so instead of sewing my loops closed, I hot glued them.  Warning - if you do this, please be careful to not burn your fingers, especially if you decide to use any type of sheer ribbon.  I'm not sure my fingerprints will ever be the same.

Here is the ribbon after I measured and cut it:

Wreath #1 - Finished:

Wreath #2 - In progress:

Wreath #2 - Finished:

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