Monday, February 20, 2012

Rats and Child Birthin'

Last night, I dreamed about rats.  I also dreamed I delivered a baby.  Weird-oh.  I've tried all day to remember specific details about both dreams, but I can't remember anything more than one was about rodents and one was about me being a midwife.  And, of course, as soon as I woke up, I fired up the computer and Googled both.  According to Dream Semantics, rat dreams symbolize betrayal, poverty, strife, danger, illness, and the feeling that you're being scrutinized. 

Fabulous!  There's definitely no silver lining to be found in that mystic interpretation.  I should have stopped there.  But did I?  Absolutely not.  I just had to add a little more anxiety to the morning before I'd even had my shower.  So, I researched my labor & delivery dream.  According to The Experience Project, dreaming about delivering a baby means change is a-comin'.  

I should have stopped after the I found out the meaning of my rat dream.  Better yet, I never should have looked up either dream in the first place.  I can deal moderately well with betrayal, poverty, and anything else that the rats might be trying to warn me about.  But change?  Change is a different story!  I am the world's biggest change-hater.  Strife and danger?  I won't bat an eye.  But the slightest change and/or variation from my daily routine will leave me feeling unglued for days.
So, thank you, Google.  Thank you for always giving me an answer to whatever questions I may have. And thank you, intensely curious and can't leave a question unanswered personality.  I almost dread tonight's bedtime because of the two of you.  Almost, but not quite.  Because the truth is, it's been a long day and I have an extremely comfy and warm bed to go crawl into.  And the world's best kiddo to kick me in the back all night long.  (Yeah, we're a co-sleeping family.  What of it?)  

So, bring it on, change!  But if you could please wait until in the morning after I've had a good night's sleep to show your disruptive face, that would be super.

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