Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Stinkeye and a Rant

Progeny has the stinkeye.  For those of you who don't live in the Southwest Virginia Coalfields, let me translate: Progeny has pinkeye.  I'm sure that, should I write a post tomorrow, it will contain the sentence, "Adam and I have the stinkeye."  I probably won't bother to add another translation so those who read it can either cruise back through my previous posts to find the translation included here or live the rest of their lives with a burning curiosity as to what exactly is ailin' me and mine.

Viral conjunctivitis notwithstanding, I am in an Earl Pitts kind of mood today (picture above - handsome feller, ain't he?)  Again, for those of you not from the Southewest Virginia Coalfields, here is a sampling of some Earl Pitts.  Familiarize yourselves.  I'll wait......

Wasn't that great?  Now, on with the rant.

You know what makes me sick?  If you don't now, you're getting ready to.  Because I'm letting 'er rip with both barrels today.  What pisses me off more than anything - ANYTHING - on this whole entire earth is when people can see something coming from a mile away, do nothing about it, and then wring their hands and cry "how did this happen" when they are finally faced with the consequences of their inaction.  Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about.  We all know people/companies/governments that are guilty of doing this.

Here is a broad, completely figurative example: Some people (and I say "some" because common sense is not a quality held by the majority these days) who realize their roof is leaking would climb on top of their house and fix the leak before the next big rain comes.  Problem solved.  But then you have those (not so) few who don't fix their leaky roofs, then cry when they come home one rainy day to find a pond in their living rooms.  Fix your roof before it rains again = staying dry during the next storm.  Sitting on your ass and playing Farmville until the next frog strangler rolls around = a wet floor and moldy carpeting.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, folks!  Fix the little problems before they become bigger problems.  And if you're too stupid and/or lazy to do that, then please don't expect me to feel sorry for you when your roof rots and you have a soggy floor.  There are plenty of other stupid and lazy people out there to feel sorry for you and help you out should that happen.

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